If you are thinking about your next career move in the Energy Industry, we can help you make the most of every available opportunity.
Since 1992, Indman has been helping thousands of people find the best career fit and build a reputable career working with the top oil & gas and constructions companies.
Our in-depth knowledge and expertise in the industry and established relationships with the world’s loading oil & gas and constructions employers are invaluable. But what’s more important is our reputation for Associates and candidates care, understanding your needs and find your dream job.
How to Apply to Indman?
There are many ways in which you can apply to Indman:
Our candidates job portal:
You can check our latest job openings on our portal through the below link
Once you find a job that suits your profile, click on the job and fill your information in the form attaching your CV and our recruiting team will contact you as soon as they get your profile!
There is no job that matches your career path?
No problem! Send a direct email to our recruiting department:
If you are looking to send an email to our recruiting department please follow the below steps:
- Download our candidates’ form Here
- Fill the form and attach your original CV with the form.
- Send your documents with the filled form to [email protected] mentioning the position you want to apply to in the subject with your name.
- The recruiting team will be contacting you if anything came up suiting your ambitions.
Where to find our jobs posting?
Indman has assigned a dedicated team to make sure that everyone gets an equal opportunity and have a reach to our job openings that’s why we post constantly on the top job portals online.
You can find our job posts in the following portals: